These days, everybody has a headshot. If you don’t know what you’re doing with your eyes, mouth, or jaw to make sure that yours look their best, Peter Hurley is here to instruct you.
Tag: fastcompany
How To Know Which Skills to Develop at Each Stage of Your Career
At the start of your career, chances are good that you’ll be hired primarily for your “hard skills”–the stuff you know that’s relevant for the job. When you’re fresh out of college or even a few years into your career, things like what software you’ve mastered, the knowledge you’ve picked up during internships and in school, and your other technical credentials really matter.
Why we should be wary of our loud, overconfident colleagues
During all those Zoom office calls, did it ever occur to you that the quietest colleagues might also be the most competent? And yet the talkative types who dominate the call tend to be viewed as the smartest—and generally come from higher up in the social pecking order.
Can an artificial intelligence learn to beat the stock market?
Jeff Glickman spent decades building an AI to rival the best minds on Wall Street. Is it possible that he’s cracked the code?