There are some very good reasons for being fastidious with your cleaning and disinfecting efforts these days (yes, these are two very different steps). We are, after all, still in a pandemic.
Tag: channelnewsasia
S Korean designer creates “Third Eye” for “smartphone zombies”
SEOUL: A South Korean industrial designer has come up with a satirical solution for “smartphone zombies” who can’t take their eyes away from their screen long enough to stop themselves walking into a wall or other obstacle.
‘SQ117 owes me a glass of fresh milk’: The Singapore Airlines hijacking, 30 years on
SINGAPORE: Past 9pm on Mar 26, 1991 – 30 years ago to the day – three men were in various stages of winding down their evening.
Maybank manager Ong Cheng Sng had just settled into his aisle seat on Singapore Airlines flight 117 from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. Mr Ong, who was 44 at the time, had had a long day and had barely made it for his flight, but he was now looking forward to a glass of milk from the galley and finally getting home.
How COVID-19 vaccines are transported to Singapore and stored here
Zodiac Killer message decoded after more than 50 years
SACRAMENTO, California: A team of volunteer codebreakers has cracked a mysterious cipher sent more than 50 years ago to a newspaper by the San Francisco serial killer who called himself the Zodiac, the FBI said on Friday (Dec 11).
Does WFH lead to deep vein thrombosis? It’s not about sitting down but weight gain
With all the butt contact you’ve been making with your chair since work-from-home (WFH) arrangements began earlier this year, you might have wondered at some point: Are you at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?
The truth about hiccups: When is it serious and can you really stop them?
They come as suddenly and mysteriously as they go. And they can most certainly stop you in your tracks or – hic! – cut you off in mid-sentence.
How bitcoin met the real world in Africa
LAGOS/LONDON: Four months ago, Abolaji Odunjo made a fundamental change to his business selling mobile phones in a bustling street market in Lagos: He started paying his suppliers in bitcoin.
The Big Read: With COVID-19 annihilating jobs, many are feeling the pain – and it will get worse
In May, Nicholas (not his real name), 27, received an email from the food and beverage (F&B) company where he was employed as a quality control officer. It was during the circuit breaker measures which saw many businesses stop operations, and he and his colleagues had gone on no-pay leave.
Feeling light and being a couch potato work towards keeping us fat
In an interesting new study of overweight adults, those who donned a weighted garment for three weeks dropped pounds, without consciously changing their diets, moving more or otherwise altering their lives.