Football slam dunk

In my bid to log my dreams, I wrote this down immediately when I woke from my dream. Seems discordant, and I’m having trouble understanding what I wrote too..

I dreamt I was playing a game that was a hybrid of captain’s ball and football with a bunch of friends. In the course of the game, I managed to miss a kick as well as get my face smashed by the ball.

In another part of the dream, I bought some VCDs/DVDs but I found out that I had accidentally purchased an episode of Slam Dunk but I had not watched the previous episodes.

Esh sniggering

Pretty creepy… I woke up at 4.40am, not really sure why, but when I tried to go back to sleep, Esh suddenly giggled in her sleep.

That was a bit creepy to hear in the middle of the night. I tried to ignore and settled myself down to sleep again. Just when I was about to doze off, she giggled again as she turned to face the other side…

Walking back from MPS

Walking back from MPS after not attending for quite a few months due to family and work commitments. Caught up with the people there and even got to speak to Mr Lim for a while.

Since I’m the resident techie there, my services were immediately called upon to fix a problem with his phone because he was not familiar with how it worked and he got it at the last minute after his previous phone failed him.

Wasn’t a big problem really, just had to disable the ActiveSync and all was fine. 🙂

Just out from shower after a great sports night

Manchester United won the Community Shield after a penalty shootout where Portsmouth contrived to miss 3 penalty kicks! One trophy down, many many more to go!

I also have mixed feelings regarding the U.S. victory over China in the Olympics. Although I’m a supporter of the U.S. (which neutral isn’t?), I have many Chinese friends so I empathise with them after such a devastating 101-70 loss…