Ok done!
Now this site has a new theme. Will leave it for a while to see if there are any issues…
Since SG doesn’t have Twitter, I’ll just record quick messages here…
Ok done!
Now this site has a new theme. Will leave it for a while to see if there are any issues…
Just found something not too good about this new template: The paragraph spacings are not shown properly and everything looks like one continuous block of text.
Not good. Switching back to the old one for now
Just came across this term in the Sarah Connor Chronicles and — at the risk of sounding ignorant — I had no idea such a term existed.
Turns out its actually quite an interesting Wikipedia read.
In my bid to log my dreams, I wrote this down immediately when I woke from my dream. Seems discordant, and I’m having trouble understanding what I wrote too..
I dreamt I was playing a game that was a hybrid of captain’s ball and football with a bunch of friends. In the course of the game, I managed to miss a kick as well as get my face smashed by the ball.
In another part of the dream, I bought some VCDs/DVDs but I found out that I had accidentally purchased an episode of Slam Dunk but I had not watched the previous episodes.
Pretty creepy… I woke up at 4.40am, not really sure why, but when I tried to go back to sleep, Esh suddenly giggled in her sleep.
That was a bit creepy to hear in the middle of the night. I tried to ignore and settled myself down to sleep again. Just when I was about to doze off, she giggled again as she turned to face the other side…
Phew! Just finished compiling some classical music for Lee-Ann’s listening pleasure…
Going to work in a few hours time…
But it probably won’t be active until a bit later, so if you’re facing problems with it, don’t panic…
You’ll be able to access this site through 3porless.lioneltan.com soon. I tried using 3p||<.lioneltan.com but of course it was rejected since invalid characters were used in the URL…
Walking back from MPS after not attending for quite a few months due to family and work commitments. Caught up with the people there and even got to speak to Mr Lim for a while.
Since I’m the resident techie there, my services were immediately called upon to fix a problem with his phone because he was not familiar with how it worked and he got it at the last minute after his previous phone failed him.
Wasn’t a big problem really, just had to disable the ActiveSync and all was fine. 🙂
Manchester United won the Community Shield after a penalty shootout where Portsmouth contrived to miss 3 penalty kicks! One trophy down, many many more to go!
I also have mixed feelings regarding the U.S. victory over China in the Olympics. Although I’m a supporter of the U.S. (which neutral isn’t?), I have many Chinese friends so I empathise with them after such a devastating 101-70 loss…