Courtesy of Godiva!
Category: AutoBio
M&M Rappel
It was a boring day in Secondary School when Ian (or was it Josh?) decided to tie a long string on an M&M’s toy and lower it down the window to dangle outside of the classroom directly below ours.
Unfortunately, it was kidnapped when one of the guys reached out and grabbed it. We then had to go down to negotiate for its release.
Skidding off the runway
The landing was done in the midst of a brewing storm that was fast approaching. It was made all the more dangerous because we had to wait for this irresponsible couple who totally disobeyed the plane boarding time and we had to wait a long time for them to get on board.
I suppose the plane either didn’t have both wheels make full contact with the runway or a strong gust of wind blew it off track. In a flash, the plane had run off the runway and just stopped short of a ditch! In this picture, you can see that the wheels had sunk into the sand.
Milk carton explosion
Add this to the list of stupid things I did in Primary School. Not sure if its still going on now, but when I was young, there was this drive to drink milk in Primary School. What happened was that we (or rather our parents) would place orders for the milk and some of us would go and collect the milk cartons in a box for distribution.
It happened one day that me and my friends were discussing about the strength of those milk cartons and I decided to run a little experiment. I laid the carton flat on the table and karate-chopped it. Needless to say, there was a strawberry milk explosion as the carton expelled its contents on both ends of the packet. Since I was the “karate-chopper”, I didn’t get much milk on me. The only ones who cried over spilt milk were the people to my left and right…
Grand Canyon: Bird on the edge
Young flower killer
When I was too young to understand the full significance of giving flowers to a girl, I actually picked a flower from the roadside to give to one of the girls in my kindergarten class. Didn’t know why I did that though… Must have been watching too much TV.
Crazy LV Hotdogs
L-A: Hello World!
While I was prepared to be a parent, the impact of being one didn’t hit me until L-A was actually in my arms and both Esh and I had to care for her.
I always wondered why people bothered to have children especially since they seemed to be so much trouble, but now I know that it will never be possible to understand the love that a parent has for a child until a person has a child of his/her own…
Captain Jack Sparrow spotted in S.F.!
Rainy Wedding Ceremony
It was all planned out nicely. The wedding ceremony where Esh and I exchanged rings was to be done on a small stage which was separated from the main area by a small pond of fish. If youhave problems visualing this, go to Altivo at Mount Faber to take a look.
Too bad it rained and everything had to be done under the roof instead…