Escape from VP

One day I sauntered to school after the first bell as I didn’t have any lessons in the morning. As I casually rounded a corner, I heard a voice behind me, “Boy! Come here!” That voice was instantly recognisable because the school VP had a slight nasal twang. Not wanting to get into trouble, I quickened my pace and took off on a run when I got around another corner.

That was a close one…

Console Games at the ‘hood

Back then before arcades starting sprouting up all over Singapore (and are now nearly going extinct), me and my friends used to patronise this games shop near our homes where they rented out games consoles by the hour and we had our pick of games!

Quite a bit of time was spent at the shop, but it was a cheap way to play multiple games without spending a wad of cash!

Buying the engagement ring

This happened about 6 years back when I took leave from work so I could go to Tiffany’s to get the engagement ring for Esh. Luckily I knew what design she liked so it was much easier. The main task was to get the correct ring size.

As I had to meet her later in the day, I had to hide the ring somewhere. As it turned out, I bought a shaver later so I thought it would be a good idea to hide it inside since I presumed she wouldn’t bother to take a look.

Later during dinner, for some reason, she wanted to take a look at the shaver that I bought. I had to make some lame excuse and I suppose she suspected that something was up but luckily she couldn’t guess exactly what!

The wii

I have a wii at home. Currently its sitting there gathering dust along with the balance board. We used to have a lot of fun as well as getting some exercise while playing it.

Now? Esh and I get more fun and even more exercise playing with L-A. It’s tiring, I tell you! Maybe when L-A grows up and is ready for the world of video games, I’ll dust it off and challenge her to a game of wii Tennis.

Lost (nearly)

In my NS days, I had to go overseas to the jungles of Brunei for a Jungle Survival Training Course. There was a team of about 5 of us sprawled out at a site of about 2.5 square km.

The first day involved chopping down trees to build my shelter and during one of my breaks, I decided to be a bit adventurous and did some scouting around in the jungle to take a look at the surroundings. After walking around for about 15 minutes, I turned round to go back but I realised that nothing looked familiar!

Luckily I managed to compose myself and looked around for more details. I saw a hill that looked familiar (but in hindsight, I think all hills look the same if you’re lost in the jungles…) and as I trekked towards it, I managed to find myself back. Whew!

486 DX2 66MHz

It’s amazing that my second PC was considered to be quite a powerful machine during its time… It was “revolutionary” in the sense that this was the first class of Intel processors released to the mainstream where the math coprocessor was combined with the main processor. Previously the math coprocessors had to be bought separately.

Fast forward to today, 2 cores are already common while 4 cores are probably looming on the horizon for the mainstream…

My first PC

The first PC I owned was a 286 PC that had a dubious “Turbo” function that could speed up from 8MHz to 36MHz. Putting that aside, it was a PC that I was quite happy with as it could handle DOS 4.0 with ease. IIRC, it came with a humongous 20MB HDD. I can’t remember exactly how much RAM it came with though… Must be some pathetically small amount by today’s standards.