Chewy Hacked

One night, me and my team were doing our project work in the NUS Science CBLC when I got bored and decided to play a trick on one of my team members, Chewy.

When she left for the restroom, I unplugged her keyboard and plugged mine in (I was sitting in front of her with my back facing her). This meant that her keyboard was “dead” and whatever she typed couldn’t appear on screen.

Upon coming back from the loo, she tried to continue her work but soon she started complaining to us that her PC had hung. I then started typing stuff:


“You are hacked! I am hacker!” She was shocked and then starting asking us for help.

“You are pretty girl” Then she was wondering how the “hacker” could see her. At this point, the rest of the team broke out in laughter and the game was up.

Bird Kill

I killed a quail with my bare hands when I was serving my NS. It wasn’t some sadistic streak in me. I just had to do it as part of my training.

It was surprising how easily the head came off in my hands and how the heart could beat while I held the body upside waiting for the blood to drain out…

Manga Manga Manga

My first semester report for Secondary School was quite ok except that it was blighted by my score for Chinese. IIRC, I scored only about 40+…

In a bid to improve my Chinese and to spur some interest, I bought some Chinese comics from the cornershop and thus began my foray into mangas! The first mangas I bought were City Hunter and Dragonball.

Food Hunt

The Social Bonding Committee at my former workplace organised this fun event called a Food Hunt where we had to go to various eateries all around the island based on clues that we uncovered.

It took place on a weekend (which is a non-working day), but all who took part felt that it was a worthwhile way to spend the weekend as well as get to know fellow colleagues better.

Glad to say that my team played fair and square and actually consumed our food, while some other teams “cheated” and only took a few bites before wastefully leaving the food behind. Despite this, we just barely missed third place!

First notebook

Ever since I was in Primary School, I was always reading the PC Magazines that my mum got for me and I was greatly fascinated by the monochrome and plasma notebooks that were always featured as the latest and greatest in personal computing technology.

I was thus delirious with happiness when I got to Uni and there was a promotion by Toshiba to buy notebooks at cheap prices. The notebook I got weighed as much as a washing machine and I think it only had 32MB of RAM, but it was my first notebook nonetheless.

Now, I don’t know where it is and I suppose its somewhere either at my place or my mum’s place (where I left quite a bit of stuff). Hopefully, it is recalling and reliving its glory days as my hi-tech companion

The lonely hero

Can still remember the day vividly. The day that I had to report for National Service. Woke up early and grabbed a croissant wich from BK before taking a bus down to CMPB all by myself. Didn’t inform any friends and also convinced my parents that I was ok to go by myself.

It was quite unreal because I knew I was probably going to be away from civilised life as I know it, and that I was going to be surrounded by strangers. As I trudged out to the parade square, I happened to see a familiar face in the stands. Turns out that Island was also there to send her friend off.

It was kind of comforting to see a familiar face before getting on the bus that took me (and a bunch of other guys) away from CMPB.