VCD Spree

There was this VCD rental shop across the road from my faculty where I signed up as a member and borrowed quite a lot of VCDs while I was still schooling. (DVDs and DVD players were still quite expensive at that time and the DVD rental market was virtually non-existent)

Think I watched the most number of VCDs while I was in my final year as I had quite a bit of time to spare, but sad to say, once I started work, I have never visited the place again and I’m not even sure if it still exists now…

Sick in camp

One fine Saturday, I was supposed to book out of OCS after we were dismissed, but I didn’t feel quite right. It was the afternoon then, and I decided I could do with an afternoon nap.

I fell into a deep slumber and when I woke up, it was already nighttime! I was running a fever and feeling very weak in general. However, I found the strength to gather my things and go down to the public phone to call my dad to pick me up.

Wonder what would have happened if I was too weak to get out of bed? There was no one else around in camp and I would probably have lay there bedridden until Sunday night when people start booking in again…

Are you ready to fly?

One of the nice things that my bunch of classmates used to do was that we would gather at the College of Physical Education (CPE to those in the know) and play basketball for the whole morning. After that intensive session, we would then adjourn to a nearby A&W’s, Macs or even the Ponderosa buffet to pig out.

BTW, the title of this blog entry is in reference to the title of the song I was listening to whenever I was on my way to the CPE.

10 ?”Hello world!”

I was 9 when I was introduced by Henry Teo to the world of computers. We went over to his place to play games on his monochrome Apple II PC, and from there, we proceeded to spend whole afternoons programming basic text games just for kicks.

I didn’t have a computer, so I had to write my code down on A4 papers and then type it all in when I was at his place…

Lunch-time exercise

One of the great flexibilities that my first job offered was that lunch-time was “flexible” to a certain extent, and a group of us in the same department decided to go for some exercise during lunch time at the company club to keep ourselves fit.

Most of the time, we could not fit our exercise routine within the one hour lunch time, but I suppose no one really minded since the bosses knew about it but never really brought up a case with us…