The Legend of Jacinto’s Gold

The three short videos are shaky, a jumble of blurred images and muffled sound, giving the distinct impression they were shot surreptitiously. They show three people, two men in leather jackets and a woman wearing an elegant red coat, in the lobby of Credit Suisse Group AG’s Zurich headquarters. The person taking the videos is also a man, also in a leather jacket; his arm flashes on screen here and there. The men are from the Dominican Republic; the woman, a Swiss citizen of Dominican descent, is their translator. It’s fall 2017.

To the Driver Who Hit Me and Ran

ere’s what you did when you hit me with your van. And, yes, I understand that it almost certainly wasn’t you who hit me, but since what happened to me was caused by an unidentified assailant who was likely driving while either distracted, drunk, high, using a phone, speeding, or just angry that there was a cyclist on the road, and as you have probably driven in one or more of those states, this is about you and what you did to me—and what you could do to another cyclist.

How Apple reinvented the cursor for the iPad

Even though Apple did not invent the mouse pointer, history has cemented its place in dragging it out of obscurity and into mainstream use. Its everyday utility, pioneered at SRI and Xerox Parc and later combined with a bit of iconic* work from Susan Kare at Apple, has made the pointer our avatar in digital space for nearly 40 years.

Bitcoin Halving Is Upon Us! Bearish? Bullish? How It Works!

Soon… very soon! You can already see it all over the internet! Even on national TV! The Halving is near us. Many people inside the crypto space are newcomers, investors that bought the top and have been buying ever since, many still have their halving virginity… I do! And I guess in a few days I’m going to lose it! It’s exciting!

Sony is making a live-action One Punch Man movie

Fingers crossed this turns out well. 

According to a report by Variety, hugely popular manga and anime series One Punch Man is getting a live-action movie adaptation. Sony Pictures will helm the film, with Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner set to write it – the same duo who wrote Venom and Jumanji: the Next Level for Sony. 

Inside Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan’s private friendship

FOR YEARS, MICHAEL JORDAN and Kobe Bryant had been protective of their relationship.

Jordan would call Bryant his “little brother,” Bryant would call Jordan his “big brother,” and they’d praise each other’s work ethic and accomplishments. But rarely would either volunteer much more, each man knowing all too well that any glimpse would invite the kind of comparisons and debate they loathed.