Month: April 2020
Hackers steal $25 million worth of cryptocurrency from Lendf.me platform
Coronavirus To Burst Another Bubble? Carbonation Shortage Threatens Seltzer, Beer And Soda
Fitbit And Other Wearables Could Help Researchers Predict Coronavirus Before Symptoms Start

As coronavirus cases surged worldwide in March, Fitbit observed a global decline in physical activity among its 30 million activity tracker and smartwatch users. As governments implemented shelter-in-place orders, the company recorded a nearly 20 percent decline in weekly step counts in New York and San Francisco. The pandemic may be hampering regular fitness routines, but now Fitbit is exploring whether its wearable devices could help researchers predict if users have a coronavirus infection before they even notice any symptoms.
Atomic Wallet Review: Pros/Cons, Features & Is it Safe? (2020)

Believe it or not, exchanging and storing cryptocurrencies in a secure manner is tricky. It is so because this form of money is new to us and therefore we lack experience.
Covid-19 caused by a ‘smart’ virus that can find blind spots, crucial for system to be flexible to overcome challenges: Experts
(IJCH) COVD-19 Lockdown (Home Quarantine)? No problem for me, I picked up a new hobby: “Heliciculture” – Snail Farming for Escargot!
The Inside Story of how Michael Jordan became the World’s Richest Athlete

Michael Jordan was ratings gold for TV networks during his days dominating on the hardwood. He appeared in the four highest-rated NBA Finals of all time, with viewership peaking at 29 million per game in 1998. When he left the Chicago Bulls for good in his second retirement, Finals viewership plunged 45%. In the two decades that followed, the NBA hasn’t even come close, with the highest-rated Finals—the Golden State Warriors versus the Cleveland Cavaliers—pulling 20 million viewers in both 2016 and 2017.
EOS-based App Shuts Down, Taking $52M in Users’ Funds With It

OS Ecosystem, a Chinese EOS wallet, has abruptly shut down, apparently absconding with $52 million worth of users’ funds. Chinese media outlet ChainNews on April 20 reported that users were unable to access their accounts, and that most of the funds had been withdrawn.
US oil prices plunge below zero for first time in history

NEW YORK (BLOOMBERG) – The day started like any other gloomy Monday in the oil market’s worst crisis in a generation. It ended with prices falling below zero for the first time in history, thrusting markets into a parallel universe where traders were willing to pay US$40 a barrel just to get somebody to take crude off their hands.