Food terrorism has got to stop. Fake food is a terrible thing to do, and unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous individuals and businesses who take advantage of this basic human need. Capitalism has seriously reared its ugly head when people’s lives are risked for the sake of earning a buck. I do not wish ill upon those who have profited from their sick and twisted dealings, but I hope that their conscience will strike them. Hard.
Note that I did not specifically mention that Chinese were the culprits. Without having any first hand information myself, it might even be the case that the Chinese are the victims of some inept or unethical overseas management! Who is to say that some big-shot manager from outside of China did not force the Chinese factory into adding melamine to their food products? Until investigations are complete, 三鹿 should be assumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
Being a parent myself, I can understand the anguish and turmoil that the Chinese parents are facing. Regardless of whose fault it is, the Chinese government should tighten up food safety laws and prevent people — their own citizens especially — from suffering due to the selfish motives of others. One death due to food poisoning is one unnecessary death to many.