Mutton Soup Steamboat

At this place for mutton soup steamboat. The food is quite nice. Lee-Ann is also enjoying herself as the Chinese waiting staff there are fawning on her. 🙂

In case you’re interested and the photo is too blur, this is the address:

Mutton Soup Steambot 川羊记 
432 Balestier Road #01-434 
Public Mansion 
Tel: 90033244

Link to makansutra post


Mutton Soup Steamboat
Mutton Soup Steamboat

She LIKES swimming!

Yay! Just came back up from the swimming pool and finished my shower. It was quite a successful trip to the swimming pool! Although she was slightly nervous at times, L-A began to enjoy herself and even started to kick and paddle with her hands.

My Olympus also worked a beaut! It is rated to be waterproof up to 5m, but this was its maiden voyage. I’m happy to say that it passed with flying colours. Now to let it dry off before I take out the memory card to transfer the photos.

Based on this initial experience, we’ll definitely bring her for more swimming sessions in the future!

Shower time

Gonna take a shower after this post. Went home to clean up the place so that it will be spick and span. Lee-Ann will be going for her first swim tomorrow!

While I was sweeping the floor, I found a well-preserved dried lizard. Probably it starved to death as it couldn’t find any food to eat.

Self fulfilling prophecy

It was almost amusing to see everyone trying to cash out their policies with AIA when they heard of the first sign of trouble with AIG, the parent company. (I only found it almost amusing because I hold a policy at AIA and I was hoping that the run wouldn’t bring it down)

To those who are better educated and have a basic foundation in finance, making a run at a financial institution — in this case an insurer — at the first hint of rumours about its demise is a surefire way to ensure a downward spiral to oblivion. Most financial institutions are highly leveraged, so if people start to make a run and withdraw money, the financial institutions may have no choice but to source for loans or sell off assets to maintain a minimal level of liquidity. In short, don’t make a run unless you are extremely sure that logic — not fear — is guiding your actions. (But of course, if every father, mother, son is making a run, then you will have no choice but to make a run as well since logic no longer rules the mob)

Anyway, for a company like AIG, it is unlikely that the US Government will even allow it to fail as it will void the insurance policies of tons of Americans and result in social turmoil. They will not allow this to happen in any given year, much less a period so close to elections.

Seletar Reservoir Phototaking

One of the earliest memories I have is of my parents bringing me and my sister down to Seletar Reservoir for a photo-taking session. I can actually recall running around the place although nothing special at all happened that day. It was just a normal family outing.

It’s amazing how seemingly insignificant events like this — in the adult’s perspective — can actually somehow leave an impact on a child’s memory. I hope I can keep this in mind as I bring up my baby daughter. Something that is i think is seemingly insignificant may leave a deep imprint on her life somehow…

Freemind: The Mind Mapping Tool

One of the tools that I absolutely cannot live without at work is Freemind, the open source mind mapping tool.

In my previous workplace, I was only assigned a desktop, so I was unable to utilise Freemind fully. Now when I have my own notebook, I have unleashed the full usefulness of the tool: organising my thoughts, note-taking during meetings, etc.

Why don’t you try it out for yourself? It’s really easy to use and before long you’ll also find it indisposable. Go to to download a copy and try it out yourself!